As many of you kinda guessed, I failed at having a complete break from work. It's impossible to have a real break - there's always someone needing an answer that no-one else can provide, or a question being asked that won't be ignored. Even if you tell the world you're hibernating, nobody can do your job for you and the work rarely waits. Me being me, I can't switch off that easily; I worry.

And of course I can't be having idle hands. For me to relax I need to keep my fingers busy, normally with knitting...  it helps sooth this over-active brain. It's either that or get thoroughly stoned and I didn't fancy that option.

As much as I still feel the need to hibernate, I'm slowly getting back into the flow of things. The quiet time that I have had has allowed me to tie up many loose ends which always feels good. I'm still going to lay low for a while - I can only spread myself so thinly before I snap. There's a super busy summer ahead, with various shows and a hint of a UK tour so if I want to avoid burnout and another breakdown the phone will have to stay off the hook (metaphorically speaking... I'm phone phobic)

There are some good things to share though!

Bubbles is now available to purchase:

Both versions are included, and it's provided in both written and charted format. Don't be fooled into thinking it's just a toddlers' Hat; it's a great unisex style and has a decent size range too, from 15"/38cm to 23"/58.5cm.

There will be a few more new patterns published soon, too. These haven't been bashed out in the last couple of weeks, the hard work had already been done and all that was needed was just a bit of tweaking & polishing to get them ready for publication. Work it was, but pleasant therapeutic sort of work :)

In other news:

I may not be going to TNNA but my Hats and patterns will be!

This pile of Hats are currently making their way to Deep South Fibers where they'll be on display. TNNA has been another reason to get all these new patterns finished - there's nothing like a new range to help boost business. The income from my designing and book & patterns sales is basically our only income so I gotta keep the pennies rolling in and be prepared for the coming winter. I'm just glad that the meat of it was done already.

All the deadline and secret knitting has been completed, and I won't be taking on much for the next few months. The summer will involve lots of teaching and travelling which will be enough by itself.

To add to our summer adventures I'm now teaching at UK KnitCamp! Kate Gilbert has unfortunately had to drop out, and I was asked to fill her shoes. It will be a busy week but a week not to be missed :)

There have been some great new posts for the TWT blog tour - one by Deborah Robson of Nomad Press fame, and the other by Sarah, one of my test knitters who blogs at Handmade Homeschool - do pop over to both as they are well worth the read.

I'll leave you with this little lot for now :) Tom's been making good progress on the bus so a full report will follow!

AuthorWoolly Wormhead