I've another pattern in Simply Knitting this month, as well as an interview!

© Simply Knitting

© Simply Knitting

The Hat pattern comes in 4 sizes, ranging from 14in through to 22in. The coloured trim makes it an ideal stash buster too, and the textured stitch pattern is interesting enough to keep your attention, but not too complicated at the same time.

Here's a few shots I took of Aran last winter before the Hat was sent off to Simply Knitting..




The pixie point is very subtle; it's almost not a pixie Hat! This sample was knit in Araucania Aysen, and you could happily use any yarn that gives a gauge of 20sts to 10cm/4in (i.e. worsted, heavy DK or light Aran). It's also ideal for those variegated or patterned yarns that you might have in your stash, as the textured stitch is simply enough to work with lots of colours.

There'll be more patterns published with Simply Knitting in the coming months, a bunch of Hats were sent only a few weeks ago. Looking back, it's been a busy 6 months with patterns published in books and magazines.. in fact, there's more patterns published with 3rd parties than there are self published patterns of late!

As always, rights will revert back in about 6 months time - in the meantime, do pop over to The Making Spot, where this pattern is featured and details of how to buy the digital magazine are given ('fraid it only seems to be available for Apple devices tho')


ETA/ it would seem that the Araucania Aysen has been discontinued somewhere between this design coming off my needles and this issue hitting the shelves. Suitable subsitutes would include Malabrigo Merino Worsted and Fyberspates Scrumptious DK (the original Scrumptious)

AuthorWoolly Wormhead