There's a few Playful Woolly Toppers Hats in need of a name, but we'll start with this one.

If I'm honest, this is probably one of my favourites from my book. It's also one that needed more kinks working out than others; those short rows were fun! The Hat is all short rows, and they graduate carefully and cleverly into the crown.

These are also a few of the photos of the shoot we did the other day with Aran - they're not edited yet, these are straight off the camera, but I'm pleased with them.. and considering he wasn't feeling very cooperative these are an achievement!



It's working title has been 'Wonky' but I don't think that sums it up very well, y'know? The naming theme so far for PWT has taken on an folklore type of theme, yet this one (and a couple of others) have proved rather challenging in the context.

What does it say to you?



I'd love to hear your suggestions for names! The prize for the chosen name will be a copy of the PWT eBook, and if you already have that, another eBook of your choice or a selection of patterns to the same value.

I'll be looking for something that describes it's nature and/or structure, and if it fits with the folklore/mythology theme, or at least sounds like it does, even better.

Leave your suggestion as a comment here on this blog post and if I select your name, I'll be in touch (don't forget to fill in that email addy) Fire away!

AuthorWoolly Wormhead